Refund and Cancellation Policy

This section details the cancellation, refund rules applicable to Madurai Shoulder Knee conference.
  • Registrant: An individual who registers on the Madurai Shoulder Knee website with the intention to attend the conference in physical or virtual form.
  • The conference adds value to the practice. We prefer you not to cancel registration. If needs cancelling for untoward reason.
    • Registrant Name: When you registering for the conference you would have given the participant name. Kindly include this name in your email
    • Cancellation Process: You want to cancel the registration and get refunded. We may require proof of lists: Confirmation receipts or transaction ids, provided to our team during registration.
      To initiate the cancellation and refund process, please write to Please provide the following details in your mail:
  • A 50% cancellation fee will be applicable to all cancellation requests made on or before 10th May 2024.
  • No refund will be made for cancellation requests made after 10th May 2024.
  • Refunds will be made only after the conference.